Xcode Mac 10.11

Xcode For 10.11; Xcode For El Capitan 10.11.3 Download Mac; Mar 21, 2016 Thank you. I gave up after an hour w no visible change. I was upgrading from 10.11.3. I simply turned off the 2 yr old dual 27″ iMac, waited a bit, then restarted. Upgrade Instructions for Mac OS X 10.11 10.9/10 to 10.11. Before installing 10.11, use fink selfupdate (with rsync or CVS) to get the latest version of fink. Install Xcode 8.2.1 if you haven't already, or at least its Command Line Tools.

Inspired by a Gist from kevinelliott - thanks!

Install from App Store

  • Xcode - for command line tools required by Homebrew

Install from Third-Party Websites

Xcode Command Line Tools

Need to be installed for all the fne stuff in the latest section

Xcode > Preferences > Downloads > Command Line Tools


Run Xcode and accept the license! Homebrew can not install properly until this occurs.

Install Homebrew

If this is not a fresh install of Homebrew, go ahead and purge the complete installation first:

Now install Homebrew

Install common libraries via Homebrew

Install Cask application manager

Install applications via Homebrew Cask

The following software is still in testing and not part of my default setup:

Install Chrome extensions

Some extensions are not pulled from your Google account, so re-install theam manully now:

Firefox profiles

TODO make sure the profiles are registered

Xcode Mac 10.11

After setting all the preferences, you need to reboot or at least restart Finder:

Xcode For Mac Os 10.11 Download

If you are curious, check this file for more possible settings.

Xcode download

Setup Github



Ruby & Gems


Prepare a sandboxed ruby environment

within we install some gems

Xcode Download Mac 10.11.6

Xcode mac download

Xcode Mac 10.11 Update

Vagrant and plugins

Xcode Mac 10.14

Install custom .dotfiles at the end, cause we utilize some of the previously installed packages