Sublime C++ Mac

C environment which builds using CMake and uses the clangd language server for extra IDE features. Using Sublime Text 4. For intermediate to advanced users. Sublime Text 4.0 Build 4112 macOS. Sublime Text is a sophisticated text editor for code, markup and prose. You’ll love the slick user interface, extraordinary features and amazing performance.Sublime Text is a super fast and feature packed text and development editor. If you are going to be coding regularly you want to try this amazing editor. Aug 25, 2021 If you are a Mac user, you can use a Sublime Text editor. Note: Sublime text editor is available for Linux, Windows, and Mac. If you purchase the pro version, you need a single license to run it on any of the systems you own. Even, you can use the free version which is more than sufficient in your learning phase.

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Build 4113

Sublime C++ Compiler

  • Improved performance when editing large files
  • Improved OpenGL rendering performance
  • Improved handling of deleted files
  • Various syntax highlighting improvements
  • subl can now be used to edit stdin, eg: echo test | subl | cat
  • Syntax and indentation detection is now done when editing stdin
  • Added syntax_detection_size_limit setting for controlling when syntax detection is skipped
  • Theme: Improved scroll puck visibility
  • Theme: Fixed adaptive theme not respecting themed_title_bar setting with light color schemes
  • Middle clicking in the Open Files section of then sidebar will close the clicked on file
  • Preserve Case now works with unicode characters
  • Added reveal_menu setting for disabling revealing the menu when alt is pressed on Linux and Windows
  • Safe Mode key binding can be disabled by creating a file named .Disable Safe Mode Shortcut in the data directory
  • Fixed Ruby syntax highlighting in the Monokai color scheme
  • Fixed a scenario where folders weren't being watched for changes
  • Fixed underlines being drawn behind line highlight
  • Fixed an infinite loop that could occur during syntax highlighting
  • Fixed the append command's scroll_to_end parameter sometimes not working
  • Fixed Goto Symbol sometimes being scrolled incorrectly
  • Fixed multi-select file limit applying to sidebar
  • Fixed auto-complete related hang in some large files
  • Linux: Fixed print sometimes not working
  • Linux: Fixed wrong order of yes/no buttons in GTK dialogs
  • Linux: Fixed letters sometimes being cut off
  • Windows: Always make a new window when launching main executable on Windows
  • Windows: Fixed window icon not scaling properly on Windows
  • Windows: Fixed globs not being expanded in some cases on Windows
  • Mac: Fixed auto theme not changing with OS auto theme on macOS

I had a bit of an journey yesterday getting gdb, (an interactive debugger for gcc) compiling and working in Sublime Text 3 (via the SublimeGDB package), so I thought I should document the issues I ran into & what finally worked, for others and perhaps my future self.

Images For Sublime C Mac


When I first installed the SublimeGDB package and tried to run it, nothing seemed to happen, so I went to View -> Show Console and saw a the directory is invalid error. I googled a bit and ended up following the instructions here to get it to work: instead of setting the workingdir to ${folder:${file}} or ${folder:${project_path:your_executable_name}}, as the default settings seem to suggest -- or even ~/..., I ended up using an absolute path ('/Users/my-user-name/...) and specifying these other settings in my *.sublime-project file:

Then I got an error about it not being able to find gdb (command not found, I think), which indicated the gdb wasn't installed on my system. I tried installing it via Homebrew (brew install gdb), which appeared to work, but when I tried to use it, it failed with this error:

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This *.dylib library wasn't on my machine; I'm guessing (and this is just speculation; I don't actually know how Homebrew works) that Homebrew installed a pre-compiled version of gdb which depended on a library that existed on the machine it was compiled with, but did not exist on my machine.

I was able to address this by compiling gdb myself -- first, I downloaded & tried to compile the latest version (8.1) from There were 150 warnings and 1 error, which was buried in the warnings & I couldn't find by searching the console because the warnings had the word 'error' in them too. Then I downloaded & compiled the previous version (7.12), via running ./configure and make and, in spite of a ton of warnings, it compiled! I installed it (I think via sudo make install) and then followed the instructions here to generate a CodeSigning certificate on macOS, to configure the OS to always trust the cert and to sign the newly-installed gdb executable with the cert.

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So, after over an hour of wrestling, I was finally able to run the gdb debugger from Sublime. It ran to the breakpoint and then I was able to use the step and next commands to walk through the code. It took about 60 seconds to find & fix the bug in my game (a clone of the classic action/block-pushing game, Beast).